150多年來,STAHLWILLE品牌代表著不斷追求完美的追求。 該公司的創始人愛德華·威勒(Eduard Wille)提出了員工一直貫徹的指導原則:開發和生產為客戶和與客戶一起使用的最佳工具–就是如此。
For over 150 years, the STAHLWILLE brand name has stood for a constant drive for perfection. The founder of the company, Eduard Wille, laid down the guiding principle that has been consistently applied by our staff ever since: to develop and produce the best tools possible for and with the customer - nothing less.
KS TOOLS成立於1992年,為確保產品高度的功能安全性和使用壽命,致力於不斷改進產品,並且通過符合DIN ISO 9001的管理體系認證。KS TOOLS的特點是產品質量高,不斷創新,具有吸引力價格以及豐富的使用靈活性。
We make high demands on the quality of the products. The very latest production processes and continuous control of the manufactured tools guarantee a high level of functional safety and longevity of the product. With the certification of the management system in accordance with DIN ISO 9001.
BRILLIANT TOOLS品牌,為手工藝和汽車行業的愛好者和專業人士提供了廣泛的工具,其1,000多種商品在不斷發展,並且物超所值。 價格優勢以及在材料選擇及其製造方面毫不妥協的品質使BRILLIANT TOOLS產品成為明智用戶的最佳選擇。
We offers enthusiasts and professionals in the craft and automotive industries a wide range of tools with more than 1,000 articles, constantly evolving, at the best value for money. price.